Take the tiger challenge
How much have you learned from this book and the Swamp Tigers film? Take the test and find out how much you know.
1 The preferred prey of the Bengal tiger is
a Humans
b Hoofed animals
c Monkeys
2 Of the following three subspecies of tiger, which is the odd one out?
a The Bali tiger
b The Sumatran tiger
c The Bengal tiger
3 The different subspecies are mainly defined by
a The colour of their eyes
b The pattern of stripes
c Where they come from
4 The tiger's closest relative is
a The jaguar
b The sabre-toothed tiger
c The domestic cat
5 The ideal tiger habitat contains
a Open spaces and high rainfall
b A supply of prey and dense vegetation cover
c Human settlements
6 What is this tiger doing?
a Marking its territory
b Stalking
c Washing

7 The tiger has teeth that are specially adapted for
a Grinding and chewing bone
b Gnawing and nibbling carcasses
c Stabbing and slicing their prey
8 Tigers kill prey by
a Biting the neck or throat
b Crushing the skull
c Letting it bleed to death
9 Tiger footprints are called
a Pugmarks
b Padprints
c Clawmarks
10 Tiger cubs leave home...
a When their mother is ready to mate again
b When they are weaned
c When they find mates of their own

11 Most of the 100 people killed by tigers in India each year are
a Tourists
b Poachers
c Fishermen
12 Tigers urinate often because
a They have a small bladder
b They drink a lot of water
c It helps them lay a scent
13 Roaring is often used to attract attention when
a A female is in season
b A cub is lost
c A tiger is angry
14 When a mother tiger goes hunting...
a The cubs stay in a den
b The cubs are left with another female tiger
c The cubs go too
15 Male tigers sometimes kill cubs in order to...
a Bring the mother into breeding condition
b Eat them
c Reduce competition for food
16 White tigers are
a Albinos
b Snow tigers
c Genetically mutated Bengal tigers

17 Tigers generally prefer to live...
a Alone
b In large family groups
c Alone except for mothers with cubs
18 Project Tiger is an initiative devoted to...
a Breeding tigers in captivity
b Protecting tigers in the wild and banning the trade in illegal tiger products
c Medical research on tigers
19 The tiger is the world's
a Fastest cat
b Biggest cat
c Rarest cat
20 The Sundarbans region is in which two countries?
a India and Nepal
b India and Bangladesh
c Bangladesh and Myanmar