Save the tiger
How do we know how many Bengal tigers are left?
The parks and reserves involved in Project Tiger monitor their populations closely. Many are quite small, so the tigers are known individually. Every few years in India there is a full tiger survey - with one occuring in late 2005. The figures for other parts of the Bengal tiger's range are estimated according to the available habitat.
How can I help Bengal tigers?
Many charities contribute to tiger conservation, including 21st Century Tiger, a partnership between the Zoological Society of London and Global Tiger Patrol. You can find out more about their work and make a donation at The David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation also funds campaigns to support the Bengal tiger (

Find out more: The Tiger Information Centre, operated by The Save the Tiger Fund, is a good source of resources and background material on tigers.
Conservation projects: The World Conservation Union's Specialist Cat Group's site includes useful links and materials to download.
See for yourself
If you are planning a holiday in India, why not visit a Project Tiger reserve and support the important work they are doing. But remember, never buy any product claiming to be made from tiger parts, this trade is perhaps the biggest threat to the tiger's long-term survival.
Project Tiger website: Find out more about the work of the organisation.